Research Teams

Medical University of Łódź. A team with extensive expertise in treating patients with leukemia and genomic subtyping of acute leukemias is responsible for:

  • Molecular characterization of leukemic subtypes
  • Tracking clonality of leukemic samples using single cell sequencing
  • Assessment of chemosensitivity of leukemic cells to cytostatic drugs and targeted therapy

Team leader: Kinga Ostrowska 
Post-doc: Agata Pastorczak 
Post-doc: Marta Ząbczyńska 
PhD student: Zuzanna Urbańska 
Technical support: Justyna Jakubowska 
Technical support: Karolina Miarka 

Institute of Hematology and Transfusion Medicine, Warsaw. A team with extensive espertise in treating patients with leukemia is responsible for:

  • Generation of leukemic cell models
  • Sorting of leukemic initialing cells (leukemic stem cells)

Young team leader: Piotr Mrówka
Post-doc: Maciej Szydłowski
PhD student: Paulina Laskowska
MSc student: Małgorzata Zasowska

Raman Imaging Group @ Faculty of Chemisty, Jagiellonian University in Kraków. A group with extensive knowledge of applications of Raman microscopy in life sciences is responsible for:

  • High resolution Raman imaging of leukemic cell model sub-types
  • Raman HR imaging of leukemic cells sub-types in patients samples
  • High resolution Raman imaging of leukemic cell depending on their chemoresistance

Team leader: Katarzyna Majzner
Post-doc: Anna Nowakowska
Experienced researcher: Krzysztof Brzozowski
PhD student: Aleksandra Borek-Dobosz
PhD student: Adriana Adamczyk
PhD student: Patrycja Leszczenko
Technical support: Adrianna Wisłocka-Orłowska
Technical support: Klaudia Mielnik
Volunteers/Student Candidates: Agnieszka Grabacka, Kinga Cempa, Maja Bartoszek, Svitlana Kashyrskaya, Patrycja Dawiec

Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw is responsible for:

  • Developing the platform for sub-systems integration
  • Completing the prototype of RapID device
  • Testing, optymization, data collection, analysis and training

Team leader: Piotr Wasylczyk
Post-doc: Joanna Purzycka
Post-doc: Łukasz Zinkiewicz
PhD student: Alexander Krupiński-Ptaszek
PhD student: Milena Królikowska
MSc student: Zosia Dziekan
Msc student: Filip Bojdecki
Technical support: Radosław Bant
Technical support: Anna Kudzia

Laser Centre @ Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. The Center is renowned for designing and constructing of optical instruments, in particular, ultrafast lasers. Key responsibilities:

  • Developing of low-noise fibre laser source
  • Integration with delivery and detection sub-systems
  • Testing, optimization, data collection, analysis and training

Young team leader: Katarzyna Krupa 
Post-doc: Marcin Pastorczak 
Post-doc: Fatemeh Ghasemi 
PhD student: Mateusz Pielach 
PhD student: Cassia Corso Silva

Microfluidics and Complex Fluids Research Group @ Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. The group has a vast experience in integration of complex microfluidic systems comprising a range of actuating and sensing technologies for specific applications in research in biochemistry, biology and chemistry. Key responsibilities:

  • Microfluidic system for delivering and immobilizing individual cells for SRS microscopy
  • High throughput microfluidic system for cells sorting
  • Microfluidic system allowing for entrapment cells in individual traps for chemoresistance test

Junior group leader: Ladislav Derzsi
Post-doc: Yurii Promovych
PhD student: Shreyas Vasantham
PhD student: Agnieszka Koszewska